Gilfach turns out to plant community orchard


Residents and community councillors planted the second orchard in Gilfach Goch on Friday (31 March). The 12 mixed fruit trees went in on land next to the play area off High Street. Another orchard was planted last month by Gilfach Goch Community Association on its allotment area in Holly St.

When fully mature in around 10 years’ time, each tree will produce up to 40lb of fruit per year. The first fruit should appear from next autumn onwards.

There is a mix of apple, pear and cherry trees. Andrew Draper, vice chair of Gilfach Goch Community Council, said the planting was the culmination of a lot of work of community engagement and working with the landowner, RCTCBC, and Keep Wales Tidy, who generously funded the scheme.

He said: “The project will be a great community resource, providing a source of free fruit for local residents. Parents will be able to pick and eat an apple while watching their children play. It has even been suggested we invest in a fruit press to make fruit juice.”

The site has been made available on licence by RCTCBC.

Our thanks go to Keep Wales Tidy for providing the trees, flower bulbs and benches, and to Gilfach Goch Community Association for their help too. They also have a community orchard in the village.

One bench is due to be sited at the orchard. Two others and the bulbs will go elsewhere.

Seen left to right: GGCC groundsperson Russell Scully, Cllr Allun Warren, Cllr Andrew Draper, Simon Adshead, Clair Gwilliam, RCT Project Officer Keep Wales Tidy Maria Toogood.  Behind the camera: Richard Walters, Operational Manager GGCA.


Group pic of community council planting